Monday, June 11, 2012

Monday Moments

It's going to be an interesting week here at FOOTSTEPS.  We're going to learn how the Hall Family got it's name on Tuesday, Wednesday we're going to learn more about organizing our time to avoid distractions in our Family History search, Thursday there will be a new picture to be seen.  Friday, of course, is our on going challenge to learn and pratice genealogy resources.

It's A Matter Of Faith

I am gathering information for an article about the faith of our fathers. What do you know about the religious life of your ancestors. If you are part of our families please EMAIL me with what you know.

Sometimes an apparent lack of faith in one of our ancestor's can give us a clue of many things. Are they hiding their faith? Were they persecuted for their faith? What do you know about your ancestors faith? Did they have a favorite Hymn or Song? How did they live out their faith?

Watch for my progress in this area. REMEMBER our goal is to make these people 'real' and not forgotten and not just names on a Family History Genealogy sheet.

Upcoming Nebraska Genealogy Activities and Meetings

Nebraska Educational Television's (NET) documentary of the OCGS "Tombstone Tour" can be found at: Tombstone tour: Finding the value in Nebraska cemeteries

Tuesday, June 12, 7:15 pm
Dick Admin. Bldg., Union College, 3800 S. 48th S
"Obituaries And More . . ."
Bill Eddy who worked with obituaries at the Lincoln/Journal Star will present suggestions and ideas for making obituaries interesting and helpful for genealogists.
Debbie Way from Roper and Sons Funeral Services will provide information regarding content of obituaries and tell about accessibility of genealogical information provided by mortuaries. She'll also demonstrate the process of using technology to make information more available than ever before. (Remember the "smart" tile on the tombstone Gail Blankenau showed a slide of at our May meeting?)

16 Jun 2012: The Greater Omaha Genealogical Society will be hosting a FREE gernealogy class, titled, Part I: "Finding Family on the Internet—Is It Accurate?" Once thought to be primarily the tool of business and science, the internet is being taken over by genealogists. What’s out there? Part II: "There’s More in the Courthouse than Vital Records." Learn what helpful records can be found in the courthouse to document your family history. This class will be held from 9:15 a.m. to 12:00pm at the Mormon Trail Center, 3215 State Street in Omaha. Classes are free, but pre-registration is requested. Please call (402) 706-1453 or email at

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